Birmingham Metropolitan Ministers Conference

JOin Us

Alfonzo January, Sr. Ministers Retreat

Our annual winter retreat is a great opportunity for fellowship with other clergy in the metro area. The enrichment, encouragement, and empowering conversations strengthen our bonds and inspire us throughout the year. For details about our retreat, and registration information, click below.

Worship with us

Citywide Revival

Citywide Revival serves as the premier event of the Birmingham Metropolitan Ministers Conference. Each year the BMMC members and their congregations collectively share in 4 days of Prayer, Praise, and Gospel Proclamation. Click below to learn more.

Become a member

Membership dues are Sixty Dollars (60.00) per year. Dues shall be no later than January 31 which will allow members participate in Teaching, Preaching and other activities of the Conference. Membership will also allow each minister to share their information in our Directory.

Community Partners

The Birmingham Metropolitan Ministers Conference has an open door policy for receiving community partner organizations and political candidates. Though the BMMC does not collectively endorse any political candidates, we do reserve the right to take a stand on any issue we deem to be beneficial or detrimental to our conference’s beliefs or to the people we serve. To learn more and schedule a visit to address the conference, click below.